When the liquid flows through the measuring cavity of the gear flow meter, the gear is driven to rotate, and the space formed by each tooth valley and the measuring wall contains an equal volume of liquid. The volume of liquid flowing through can be measured by detecting the number of gears passed by a specific sensor. The FG550 flowmeter is not affected by the viscosity of the medium, and has high measurement accuracy and repeatability, even if it is at the lower measurement limit of the range. Especially suitable for medium with high viscosity.
High pressure
Can measure various viscous media
High precision and high repeatability
Pulse output/analog output optional
Relatively wide measurement range
Ink measurement
Resin, silicone, glue measurement
Hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, grease measurement
Coolant measurement
Solvent measurement
fuel oil measurement
Polyurethane measurement
Brake fluid measurement